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Ready To Accelerate Your

Business Growth?

Great! Because I'm serious

about getting my clients results

Popular Services

Lead Generation

Social Media Ad's

Facebook™ Business Page Buildout and Growth Plans With Paid Ads

Instagram Business Page Buildout and

Growth Plans With Paid Ads

Pinterest Business Growth

Website Creation, Rebuilds & Hosting

Domain Assignment and Direction

Whiteboard Animation Videos

E-Commerce Shopify Site Build-out


Online 5 Star Review Collection

Reputation Management

Landing Page/ Funnel Creation

Google My Business Setup

Blog Writing and Content Creation

CRM Platform Creation and Hosting

Email Marketing

Strategic Marketing Consulting

Check Out My New Book

How To Grow A Business

On Social Media

Without Hiring A Digital Marketer

Looking for a business planner you

can start at any time of year?

Look No Further!

7 Chapters of Content strategy


A 52 Week Planner

Done-For-You Ads

that Convert!

Crafting a sales funnel that converts isn’t easy, plus plain old-fashioned experience is essential. Navigating through the online platforms takes years of skills and a lot of practice and patience.​

Your offer matters, also the sales strategy and the clients you are targeting all need to be crucial considerations in crafting the ideal funnel for your offer.

I offer done-for-you ads, including creative, amazing copywriting, extensive audience research, custom targeting, pixel placement, and ad optimization. This includes hands on support,

so you never feel out of the loop.​

Grab your free strategy call to

learn more about how

Facebook™, Instagram™, Pinterest™

Google™ and Microsoft™

ads can work for your business.

Book a Strategy Call with Rayanne Harmon



Customer Review Collection on


These days before we go anywhere or do anything we love to read the reviews.

Collecting reviews is a way a potential customer can decide if they want to become a new customer.

Without reviews on your site, there's no information for people to make an informed decision.

I set up review collection so it happens on Auto-Pilot.

Let your happy customers experiences bring in your new customers by allowing them to tell their story.

Interested in Setting up 5 Star Reviews for

Your Business?

Complete the Survey Below

I specialize in helping small and medium size businesses get more leads, customers and sales.

Whether you need more visitors in your store or if you need more customers to fill up your calendar, I will work with you to make that happen.

I also work with coaches, consultants and personality-based entrepreneurs to grow their online presence.

I have serious skin in the game, meaning I have hands on experience working in many different avenues of online marketing.

Lead Generation

Lead Generation helps bring new clients into your business.

This is done through strategic ad placement on different platforms for the best conversion rates.

We help businesses get more people in the door, more website visitors or keep you calendar filled. You choose what you want to work toward and we build a plan geared toward that goal.

The need to continue getting new customers in universal. We can automate the client getting process with our targeted lead generation service.

Whatever you need to grow your business, we can help find the right platform for you.

Social Media Ads

We place ads on the best platform suited for each business.

Some ads works best on

Facebook ™ and Instagram ™

Other ads are best suited for

Google™ or Microsoft™

We base this placement on what works best in each industry.

We also spend time researching your industry before placing an ad to make sure we have the best possible outcome. We have a method of determination that helps to chose where you are likely to get the best results and the most conversions online.

We would love to create a marketing plan your your company geared toward customer acquisition and

business growth

Website Creation

Nearly every business today has a website. It serves as a small piece of virtual real estate to showcase your business online. They can be used for various things. Some businesses don't have a brick and mortar storefront. They do everything through their website. Others with a storefront may use their site so customers can find their business or as a way a customer can learn about your service or brand.

Whether you use your website every day for product sales or you just have it online for potential customers to locate you and learn about what you have to offer, a website is valuable. It also will allow customers to build up trust for you since they can do research on which company is the best fit for their needs.

Message Marketing

You may be wondering what message marketing is. As consumers we receive messages all day long that qualify as message marketing. How about that text reminder of our dentist appointment? Or the email that says if you bring in your puppy for a vet visit you will get a complementary grooming voucher. Message marketing can be in the form of an email or a text message to a smart device.

In the technology age, consumers like quick reminders and quick messages that let them know what's going on. All of us have busy lives and we want things to be

as simple as possible.

The more you touch base with your customers, the more they will remember you when the time comes for them to need your service again.

Funnel Creation

Building a funnel is one thing.

Building a funnel that converts is a completely different task.

We start every funnel build with extensive market research to find out what the latest trends are.

So much goes into funnel creation. Its not something you toss together lightly. Everything must be done strategically and with intended purpose to get the desired results. We take our time crafting funnels because they need to reach the right audience and encourage them to take action. The technical side is the easy part. Its finding out what your customers want to see that can be tricky.

We take the guess work out of this portion and do extensive testing and analysis to make sure you are getting the best possible online results.

We also help you choose where to place this funnel after it has been created. Some industries perform better on social platforms like Facebook™ and Instagram™ while others do better on search platforms like Google™ or Microsoft™. The right funnel in the right place can yield amazing results.

5 Star Review Collection

These days consumers love to read reviews. Before booking a hotel or planning a trip, online shoppers want to read about the experience of others. They know if you have a high customer satisfaction rating, then they are likely to have a great experience too. But on the other hand, if the rating is low, they may choose not to do business with your company assuming they may have a bad experience as well. Its the same with hiring a company to preform a service. If others had a good experience with a certain company, a new customer is likely to have a good experience also.

It has been noted that businesses that have no reviews have the same issue getting new clients as businesses with bad reviews. Why is this? When you have no reviews there is no way for a customer to gauge what kind of experience they will have. Collecting reviews from customers holds great power. Let your happy customers experiences bring in your new customers by allowing them to tell their story.

Email Marketing

Most businesses have a growing list of customers that they have worked with in the past. Many of these customers may turn into repeat customers at some point in time. The odds of them hiring you for an other service or purchasing another product from you may depend on your ongoing communication with them. Likely you have heard of "out of sight, out of mind" If you never contact your customers again, they are likely to forget about their great experience with you over time. On the other hand if you email your customers showing them your current specials and featured products or services, they are more likely to reach out to you recalling their last experience.

We follow all the guidelines for Email Marketing. We allow customers that do not wish to receive communication to unsubscribe. This is actually a good thing because we only want to email those who are likely to become a customer again. This goes along with the regulations in place. We make every effort to reach your clients with content they are likely to want or need.

Online Listings

When we want to find something the first place we look is usually online. You may search something like.. What restaurant serves pepperoni Pizza?

And a list of pizza places will start to populate.

But what if your business shows up with the wrong information or worse yet, it doesn't show up at all.

Maybe your information is out of date.

We want customers to be able to find you. To drive right to your store. The best way to ensure your address and phone number are correct online is to take charge of updating it.

But who has time to log into 100 + websites and make sure everything looks right. With that being said, who has time to do it every month and make sure everything is still up to date.

I offer a service that takes care of this for you.

I will start a process that will update each month to keep your information correct and current so your potential customers don't have to miss out on what your company has to offer because they can't find you or your phone number. You can concentrate on running your business and I can take care of the listings for you.

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Ad Strategist

Market Up LLC

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